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Book, 2019
Current format, Book, 2019, First edition, Available now.
Book, 2019
Current format, Book, 2019, First edition, Available now. Offered in 0 more formats
David Bowman makes the strong case that the shooting on November 22, 1963 was the major, defining turning point that catapulted the world into an entirely new stratosphere. It was the second big bang. In this hilarious, lightning-fast historical novel, Bowman follows the most famous couples of the decade as their lives are torn apart by post-war's new normal. We see Lucille Ball's bizarre interrogation by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee and Jackie Onassis' moonlight cruise with Frank Sinatra . We follow Norman Mailer and Arthur Miller as they attempt to get quickie divorces together at a loophole resort in Nevada and watch a young Howard Hunt snoop around South America with the newly founded CIA. A young Jimi Hendrix, now the epitome of counterculture cool, tries his luck as a clean cut army recruit.
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